Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Traffic Ticket help -- Quick, Cheap, and Easy

You can get traffic citations in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Clark County, Boulder City, and Federal Jurisdiction, such as Lake Mead, Red Rock, and Mt. Charleston.

When a the police gives you a traffic citation  and you plead guilty to the traffic violation by simply paying it, not only do you pay your fine, and attend traffic school, but you have the following additional punishments to endure related to pleading guilty to a traffic citation.  
•          Multiple convictions for traffic violations probably will result in a driver’s license suspension or license revocation. In Nevada, if you are convicted of driving with a suspended license, you may 
be restricted from getting a new license for a full year.
       Each conviction for a moving violation probably will raise your insurance rates. 
•          If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), you may lose your license and the ability to earn a living.  
•          If you were involved in an automobile accident, and the police issued you a traffic ticket, and you are subsequently sued civilly for the accident, the conviction may be used in the civil lawsuit to show that you were negligent per se.
•          If you take care of the traffic ticket by yourself, you will probably be forced to take at least one day off from work to go to court to resolve the traffic ticket. 
As a result of a simple speeding ticket, you will likely pay fines, court administrative fees, increased insurance costs, and attend traffic school. Furthermore, you could suffer possible suspension or revocation of you driver’s license. If your Nevada license is suspended, you will not be able to obtain a license in any other State until the Nevada suspension is completed. On top of this, you will need to miss a whole day’s pay from work just to go to court. You are not alone in not knowing this.  Few Las Vegans understand the traffic citation process and that a traffic violation is a crime which you will have to plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest to. 

So, how can you likely prevent the headaches associated with the above for some minor traffic infraction?  You hire a criminal defense attorney with experience negotiating citations quick, easy, and cheap.  David Jacks has negotiated many plea deals for misdemeanor traffic citations and will bring his knowledge to the court for your matter. You will do little more than pay his cheap legal fee, give him a copy of the traffic ticket, and then pay the fine to the court upon a negotiated deal.  David can work to get you time to pay your fine off too. When you say to yourself, I need a traffic ticket lawyer, call us.

Call now:  

(702) 834-6300