Saturday, August 25, 2012

Child Custody lawyer in Las Vegas

When you say to yourself, "I need help with child custody in Las Vegas" you need a Las Vegas family lawyer.

If you are married with children and are anticipating a divorce in Las Vegas, you should consult with a Las Vegas divorce lawyer to discuss your child custody rights.  Child custody in Las Vegas is presumed to be joint physical custody and joint legal custody at the time of the divorce, but the judge will look at best interests to determine whether that presumption is rebutted.  

The other types of child custody recognized in Nevada are primary physical custody, sole physical custody, shared custody,  and sole legal custody.  The difference can affect other parts of your life, including your right to travel and your right to child support.

At The Jacks Law Group, PLLC we understand that family problems can cause extreme emotional discontent. Both sides usually feel that his or her side is right. We understand that you may also feel obligated to maintain certain principles or go after unrealistic goals during your divorce.

We work hard to ensure that unrealistic expectations or grudges do not interfere with your final decision. You should focus on what is realistic and affordable. We want you to walk from your situation with more--not less. We place our focus on your family's needs and best interests.

So when you ask, "How do I get divorced in Las Vegas?" or "How do I get a divorce in Las Vegas?" call us.

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